Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Yummy jiffy snacks (ultra low cal) looks like hamburger, but itsnot

Grandpa Sid's, very own, yummy ultra low cal (less than 1/2 weight watcher point per portion) Cherry flavored, jiffy any time snacks.  (I have lost three lbs in almost as many days confining my snacking to these yummy morsels)
Apple and cherry are yummy. strawberry and raspberry are next on the list.  Also oats are supposed to lower cholesterol, with which I don't have a problem, thank goodness.
My first trial had a lot of pureed raisins added, then raisins and cocoa powder.  I experienced several good nose bleeds.  I had forgotten that cocoa thins the blood and found that raisins do too.  So I switched to the recipe below. 

preheat oven to 175
2 cups unsweetened apple sauce 
4 cups old fashioned rolled oats
1 tsp vanilla
1 portion of Walmart's "great value" sugarless, cherry flavored drink mix

Combine apple sauce, flavor powder and vanilla in a large mixing bowl and mix throughly.
add rolled oats and mix throughly.
Spray a non stick on a large cookie sheet and spread the mix evenly over the whole sheet.

Place in preheated oven and bake for 25 to 30 minutes.
Remove from oven and cut into 1.5 x 3.5 wafers and place on a cooling rack.

Total weight watchers points for the recipe is 12.

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  1. Hmmmmmm, I'd like to try some of that!

  2. Those DO look like hamburger! I'll have to try some as well!
