Illustrations such as the one above tend to make us believe that earths breathable atmosphere is unlimited. Let me remind you that climbers of mount Everest need oxygen before they reach the summit which is a little over 29,000 feet above sea level, a little over 5 1/2 miles. The earth has a diameter of 8,000 miles. If the earth were scaled down to 8 inches each one thousandth of an inch would represent 1 mile. On this scaled down version of the earth the "breathable" atmosphere would be represented by 5 and 1/2 thousandths of one inch. Roughly twice the diameter of a human hair. Think of one strand of hair laying on a bald man's head. The breathable atmosphere would be that thick on an earth scaled to that size.
On the above illustration the reaches of the mesosphere would be exaggerated by the first thin halo surrounding the earth. The breathable atmosphere couldn't even be illustrated.
Try to imagine the slight halo around the earth in the illustration below and you will have a more realistic example of the expanse of our breathable atmosphere.
Our entire breathable atmosphere is aspirated by the human population (at rest) and their automobiles in about a year and one half. That is not even taking into account all the animals, insects, birds, train locomotives and airplanes. The jet engines on the commercial airliners are the most voracious consumers of oxygen imaginable exceeded only by forest fires. (example, one human at rest aspirates 43,200 liters of air in twenty four hours). (A 4 liter car aspirates 5,760,000 liters or air in one hour or 23,040,000 liters in four hours) (every liter aspirated is a liter polluted, 0xygen to Carbon dioxide)
Ninety percent of our universe is Hydrogen. Water is roughly fifty percent Hydrogen, the other half is oxygen. When water is split by electrolysis hydrogen and oxygen gas are formed. When combined the result is Hydroxy gas.
If only our automobiles could be powered by Hydroxy gas that is produced "on board" and "on demand" with water as the fuel, it would be a quantum turn away from the carbon polluter that the automobiles are, (carbon monoxide) to a "non carbon" polluter of our atmosphere. Because, when Hydroxy gas is burned it produces only energy and water. Basically PURE WATER!
The Sid-Cell is the vanguard to a clean atmosphere, planet saving technology.
See the atmospheric halo on the horizon in the actual NASA photo of earth below. Fragile isn't it?
Very interesting . . .